Smarter Services Webcast On-Demand:
The Field Service Leader's Agenda for 2018

In 2017, The Service Council (TSC) launched its first annual Field Service benchmark assessment. The benchmark aided in TSC's assessment of the maturity of service organizations and manufacturers, while also providing specific insight into best practices in field service. Beyond assessing field service organizations, TSC was able to build a framework to identify Service Champions, or top performers. This assessment allowed TSC to highlight what good looks like and what investments aided improved performance.

In December 2017 and early 2018, TSC kicked off its 2018 trends research project for Field Service. Findings from this research project were shared on TSC's monthly Smarter Services Webcast (January 31, 2018). The webcast featured a panel of field service leaders from Lee Company and Telehealth Services to discuss their respective agendas for 2018.

If you would like to learn about the key trends, investments, and initiatives for the field service leader in 2018, download the on-demand webcast recording.