Smarter Services Webcast:
Dealer-based Service Success Strategies

Delivering to customer expectations is no easy task. The #1 challenge facing many manufacturers and service organizations is the need to support enhanced expectations from customers for better service. This goal to positively impact the customer's experience is made even more complicated when products and equipment are sold through a dealer or distributor channel, and service is being delivered by a partner. OEMs are finding that as the stakes rise with the end customer, the manufacturer must play a bigger role in what service is being delivered and not solely focus on making a high quality product. 

Who owns the customer experience? What information should be shared with the OEM? Who does the customer call when there is a problem? These are all questions which need to be answered. 

In January and February 2018, The Service Council (TSC) will conduct a research project to explore how organizations look to support performance and the service experience in dealer-based service models. Findings from this research project will be shared on TSC's Monthly Smarter Services Webcast (March 14, 2018). The webcast will also feature a panel of service leaders who represent different ends of this partner network to discuss their thoughts and insights on how they achieve success within a dealer-based service model.

If you would like to learn about the key trends, challenges, and best practices associated with dealer- and distributor-based service models, make sure to join our webcast.